All Types of Collagen Explained

All Types of Collagen Explained

Collagen is a fibrous protein found in the skin, bones, muscles, tendons, and cartilage of our bodies. It is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body and is essential for maintaining tissue elasticity and strength . There are several types of collagen, but the most common are type 1, 2, and 3. 

In this article, from your online store of collagen products , we analyze the three types of collagen and their function in the human body.

Type 1 collagen 

Type 1 collagen is the most common type and is found in skin , bone, tendons, and ligaments. It represents approximately 90% of the collagen in the human body. 

It is formed by joining three chains of amino acids in a helical structure. This helical structure is highly resistant and provides the necessary strength and stability to hold tissues in place.

This type is important for skin health, as it provides the necessary structure and strength to keep the skin firm and elastic . It is also essential for bone health, since type 1 collagen forms the matrix in which minerals are deposited to strengthen bones.

Type 2 collagen

Type 2 collagen is a major component of cartilage , which is the connective tissue that covers joints in the human body. This type is formed by joining three amino acid chains, but its structure is different from that of type 1 collagen. It is organized in a network structure that is more flexible than the helical structure.

Its main function is to provide the structure and flexibility necessary to support the load and movement of the joints. In addition, it is also found in the ear tissue, being important for hearing.

Type 3 collagen

Type 3 collagen is an important component of the skin, muscles, and internal organs . It is formed by joining three chains of amino acids, like the other types of collagen, but its structure is different. This type is organized into reticular fibers, which are a network of very fine and flexible fibers. These fibers provide the necessary structure and elasticity for tissues that stretch and contract , such as skin and muscles.

Type 3 collagen helps maintain skin elasticity and firmness. It is also important for the health of blood vessels and internal organs, as it helps maintain their proper shape and function.

Furthermore, this collagen is found in granulation tissue, which is the tissue that forms during the wound healing process. Therefore, this type of collagen helps in proper wound healing.

In conclusion, collagen is an essential protein for the proper health and function of the human body. The use of collagen products, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle can help maintain collagen at its proper levels. Visit our online store to find the best products with collagen .

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